The AskRail® app is a safety tool for first responders.

The AskRail app, launched in 2014, is a collaborative effort among the emergency response community and all North American Class I railroads. The app provides nearly 2.3 million first responders — from 49 states, the District of Columbia and eight Canadian provinces — with immediate access to accurate, timely data about what type of hazardous materials a railcar is carrying so they can make an informed decision about how to respond to a rail emergency. Thousands more first responders are covered by their local Emergency Communication Center’s use of AskRail data. Railroads work with first responders to continually update the app with new features and enhancements.

Through AskRail's easy-to-use mobile interface, emergency responders can:

Use a simple railcar ID search to see whether a railcar on a train is carrying hazardous materials

Through AskRail's easy-to-use mobile interface, emergency responders can:

Use a simple railcar ID search to see whether a railcar on a train is carrying hazardous materials
View the contents of the entire train
View emergency contact information for all Class I railroads, Amtrak, and available short lines

“What’s so exciting about AskRail is that it has a user-friendly interface that walks the first responder quickly through a simple process to access key information. In a series of clicks, a responder will have the critical information that’s needed to assist in effective mitigation. Everything within the use of the AskRail app is based on standard hazardous material response/mitigation procedures.”

About the App

Backup resource if information from the train crew or train consist is not available

Included as part of standard emergency responder training from Class I railroads

Available in English and French in the United States, Canada, and Mexico

Map feature provides isolation zone and points of interest such as railroad milepost and grade crossing locations

Used by all North American Class I railroads

Provides single-car information on participating regional railroads

Request the App

The freight rail industry encourages first responders to request the app and for state and local Emergency Communications Centers (ECCs) to integrate AskRail into operations.



Download the app from the Google Play Store, the Apple App Store, or the Microsoft Windows Desktop Application  (sha-512). If you are an ECC and would like a webapp version, contact 1-877-724-5462 or .


Complete the registration process in the app on your device. If you are a first responder, we strongly recommend using a government or firehouse email address. For ECCs, use a registration email dedicated to the ECC that will not change with staffing. Select the primary Class I Railroad that serves your area and submit for approval.


Once you receive a confirmation email and click the verification link, your application will be sent for approval. ECCs can contact the above number or email for assistance in expediting approval. ECCs will also receive an overview PowerPoint to help train their staff on using the app.


Once you have been approved to use the app, the app will become fully functional and ready for use.

Contact Information

View Terms of Use

Please do not send any other communication to these email addresses other than requests to use the AskRail app. Please note that Amtrak is not included on the contact list because they do not approve access to the app.

Contact with any technocal questions or for media inquiries.

Promote the App

Whether you are part of the emergency response community, with the media or part of the rail industry, you can help spread the word about AskRail so we can reach even more first responders. Find resources at

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